Month: October 2022

Would You Rather

Morgunn (That’s Icelandic for morning) bloggers, Lochie here, today we were asked to answer this question⬇

I would rather control water because then you could basically have water powers, and you could just kill the enemy if they chose fire.

Blog ya later, bye.

Novel Ponder 2

Buenos dias (that’s Spanish for good morning) bloggers, Lochie here, today we were tasked to answer these questions⬇

  1. Why is art the thing Ivan is most proud of:

Because he is the only gorilla that can do that

2. What conclusions does Ivan draw about himself through art:

He shows that he is trying to make beautiful art

Blog ya later, bye.

P4C Ponder Week 2

Ohayogozaimasu (That’s Japanese for good morning) bloggers today we were supposed to say what the most useful things you learnt from school were. I think the most useful things are probably reading, writing and maths because most subjects fit into those three, like how geometry fits into maths.

blog ya later, bye.

Novel Ponder 1

Morena bloggers, Lochie here, today we were tasked to answer these ⬇ questions.

  • Do I think gorillas should live in a mall:

No because they need to live wild, and free without being too crowded and solitary.

  • Do I think Ivan is lonely without any gorilla friends:

Yes, I do think he would be lonely with no one to protect and no friends.

  • If I were a gorilla where would I want to live:

Obviously not the mall! I would like to live in the lush rain forests of Equatorial Africa.

Blog ya later, bye.

P4C Ponder Week 1

Souper (that’s french for sup) bloggers Lochie here, today we were tasked to say when you are legally an adult and why.

  • I think you are legally an adult when you’re 18 because there are some things where you can only be 18 or older to do.

See you another time, bye.